Evangelical Theological College
The Evangelical Theological College (ETC), located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is a non-denominational Christian college preparing servants for ministries in the church, education and beyond. The school offers both undergraduate and Master’s level degrees and is one of only four accredited Christian colleges in Ethiopia. The mission of ETC is to equip current and future pastors and educators to meet the needs of the explosive growth of the evangelical church in Ethiopia and Africa.
Donated funds can be designated to assist with student scholarships, college teaching supplies, computer equipment and training or educator salaries. A separate fund has been created for a new building project, which involves building a thirteen story new campus for the school in the heart of the capital city. When complete, the structure will allow ETC to increase their graduates by nearly three times above the current rate and provide a solid financial foundation for the school, including much needed rental income.
To learn more about the current programs, the impact ETC is making on the country of Ethiopia and for details about how the new building will improve the school’s ability to address the growing need for godly men and women for the church, please go to https://etcollege.org/